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Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime

This 9/11 film focuses on prior knowledge and smoking gun facts. Doesn’t cover things like found in virtually all of the other 9/11 films like government sponsored demolitions theories, reported explosions or other disaster scenes related evidence / theories.

People need to be held accountable, or we don’t have democracy. Another well-made video documenting the facts and evidence of 9/11 that contradict the facts of the official 9/11 story. Just like it says, everybody’s gotta learn sometime. Well organized and a must watch!

Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime

Dust to Dust: The Health Effects of 9/11

Just days after September 11, 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency assured the public that there should be no concern about any health hazards associated with exposure to smoke and debris in lower Manhattan.

This disturbing documentary asks whether the EPA’s pronouncement was based on science or politics. Now many of the first-responders who risked their lives within that toxic chemical soup are seriously ill or dying.

Filmmaker Heidi Dehncke-Fisher and producer Bruce Kennedy reveal how 9/11’s latest victims are America’s forgotten heroes.

Dust to Dust: The Health Effects of 9/11

A New Standard of Deception

In an information-packed presentation of 58 minutes Kevin Ryan delivers a damning indictment of the official investigations of the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7. Ryan’s solid scholarship and application of the scientific method stands in stark contrast to the official investigations, whose dishonesty and corrupt anti-scientific methods Ryan exposes in abundance.

Ryan explains details of the investigation by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) not acknowledged by the Institute, such as its failure to experimentally verify the floor pancake theory, forcing it to invent a new theory about the Towers’ collapse. Ryan notes commonalities in the WTC investigations by NIST and FEMA, and the investigation of the 1995 Oklahoma City Building, such as a high degree of overlap in the leaders of the respective investigations.

Ryan unquestionably qualifies as a whistleblower. Having been promoted to the top manager of Underwriter’s Laboratories water testing division, Ryan was dismissed on November of 2004 after an e-mail from him to Dr Frank Gayle of NIST questioning the collapse of the twin towers became public.

A New Standard of Deception

9/11: The Road To Tyranny

The mainstream media is whitewashing and lying about what really happened on Sept 11th. 911: The Road to Tyranny is shaking the foundations of Washington, DC as the definitive film on what really happened on Sept. 11th and who stands to gain. The dark forces of Global Government are funding, training and protecting terrorist groups worldwide. In this blockbuster which has gained worldwide prestige you will learn the origins and the true story behind 9/11.

9/11: The Road To Tyranny

9/11: Press For Truth

9/11: Press for Truth follows three of the Jersey Girls (widows of individuals killed in the attacks) as well as other family members in their search for answers about what really happened on 9/11.

Among their questions were: Why had NORAD failed to protect the known terrorist targets, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? Why did the World Trade Center Towers, including Building 7, completely collapse when no other steel-framed skyscraper had ever previously totally collapsed due to fire? Why did George W Bush stay in a Florida classroom for over 10 minutes after he had been told that the second Tower had been hit?

The film uses archive news footage, press conferences and newspaper clippings to document the unwillingness of the George W. Bush administration to provide answers to the families’ questions or support a full independent investigation. It also shows how the mainstream media avoided asking the politicians the toughest questions.

9/11: Press For Truth

9/11 Revisited, Were Explosives Used?

September 11th Revisited is perhaps the most riveting film ever made about the destruction of the World Trade Center. This is a powerful documentary which features eyewitness accounts and archived news footage that was shot on September 11, 2001 but never replayed on television. Featuring interviews with eyewitnesses & firefighters, along with expert analysis by Professor Steven E. Jones, Professor David Ray Griffin, MIT Engineer Jeffrey King, and Professor James H. Fetzer.

This film provides stunning evidence that explosives were used in the complete demolition of the WTC Twin Towers and WTC Building 7.

9/11 Revisited, Were Explosives Used?

9/11 Mysteries

A FEMA photographer taking pictures of Ground Zero wondered why so MANY steel beams were jutting from neighborhood buildings.

What shot pieces of the towers all the way across the street?

This documentary provides a detailed analysis of Fox News’ daily programming and minute-by-minute breakdown of their regular scheduling.

Commentary from Fox News’ previously hired employees provides further insight to how stories are chosen.

Why they are chosen, and dissection of several different methods of delivering the story to the audience to invoke desired reactions.

9/11 Mysteries

9/11 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy

There is an abundance of scientific and forensic evidence to support alternative theories, yet the BBC and other mainstream news corporations have continued to dismiss this information as conspiracy theory. ‘The Conspiracy Files’ and the BBC in general have failed to objectively present the detail of this evidence. 9/11 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy – new documentary by Adrian Connock and David Shayler about the BBC’s selective and distorted 9/11 coverage. With particular reference to the Conspiracy Files programme aired on BBC Two on February 18th 2007.

9/11 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy

Planet Earth – The Complete BBC Series

With a production budget of $25 million, the makers of The Blue Planet: Seas of Life crafted this epic story of life on Earth. Five years in production, with over 2,000 days in the field, using 40 cameramen filming across 200 locations, and shot entirely in high definition, Planet Earth is an unparalleled portrait of the “third rock from the sun.” This stunning television experience captures rare action in impossible locations and presents intimate moments with our planet’s best-loved, wildest, and most elusive creatures.

Employing a revolutionary new aerial photography system, the series captures animal behavior that has never before been seen on film. The series features high-definition footage from outer space to offer a brand-new perspective on wonders such as the Himalayas and the Amazon River.

From the highest mountains to the deepest rivers, this blockbuster series takes you on an unforgettable journey through the daily struggle for survival in Earth’s most extreme habitats. Planet Earth goes places viewers have never seen before, to experience new sights and sounds. The set contains the original U.K. broadcast version, including 90 minutes of footage not aired on the Discovery Channel’s U.S. telecasts, and features narration by natural history icon David Attenborough.

Planet Earth – The Complete BBC Series

Pablo Francisco Ouch!

Many a Hollywood couple has found the opportunity to turn their real-life romance into a small screen hit! While these couples start off as love stricken stars, things quickly turn and the love fizzles. We could argue that the couples would have never lasted, but it seems to be a consistent trend, that once you take your love to the airwaves, the reality romance curse is bound to set in!

Pablo Francisco Ouch!

Russell Peters

Russell Peters

100 Million BC (2008)

100 Million BC (2008)

50 Greatest Documentaries (Part-2)

50 Greatest Documentaries (Part-2)

50 Greatest Documentaries (Part-1)

50 Greatest Documentaries (Part-1)

23 Minutes in Hell

23 Minutes in Hell

21 Days To Baghdad

21 Days To Baghdad

2057: The City

2057: The City

100 Greatest Discoveries, Discovery Channel: Medicine

100 Greatest Discoveries, Discovery Channel: Medicine

100 Greatest Discoveries, Discovery Channel: Biology

100 Greatest Discoveries, Discovery Channel: Biology

100 Greatest Discoveries, Discovery Channel: Astronomy

100 Greatest Discoveries, Discovery Channel: Astronomy

Why We Bang (2006)

The film, "Why We Bang," produced and directed by Orlando Myrics, Ceci Holmes and Clifford Jordan for Ghetto Logik Entertainment is an independent film that documents the historical background of LA's Bloods and Crips gangs, then transitions into several interviews of current and former members of the Bloods and Crips of Los Angeles. Ghetto Logik, a Film Company based in South Los Angeles offers their first urban documentary as a result of being disappointed in seeing outsiders far too often portray the stories of ghetto residents. "We just got tired of seeing people, not from our community making so called "Hood movies" that did not really depict what our community was all about, our goal is to bring real images and real stories about real people to the big screen." Their first effort, "Why We Bang" is an in-depth look into Gang Culture in Los Angeles that shows up-close, the life in South Los Angeles, talking and walking with real gang members first hand. Their approach was to show the gangs, their motivations and deadliness and to capture the voices of the mothers who have lost children to the violence that gangs bring. Their story, through several narratives will inform you Why We Bang.

Why We Bang (2006)

Super Size Me (2004)

Why are Americans so fat? Two words: fast food. What would happen if you ate nothing but fast food for an entire month? Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock does just that and embarks on the most perilous journey of his life. The rules? For 30 days he can't eat or drink anything that isn't on McDonald's menu; he must wolf three squares a day; he must consume everything on the menu at least once and supersize his meal if asked. Spurlock treks across the country interviewing a host of experts on fast food and an equal number of regular folk while chowing down at the Golden Arches. Spurlock's grueling drive-through diet spirals him into a physical and emotional metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac.

Super Size Me (2004)

The Occult Experience (1985)

The Occult Experience (1985)

The Forbidden Kingdom

The Forbidden Kingdom

Discovery Channel The History Of Hacking Documentary

Discovery Channel The History Of Hacking Documentary

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